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Now displaying: February, 2018
Feb 28, 2018

Is Your Villain Ruining Your Novel? -


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Hi I'm Jodi from Writer' and
today we'll be talking about if your
villain is ruining your novel most
novels have a character that acts as the
villain he or she is the antagonist the
one that you pit against your hero or
heroine the villain causes problems for
your protagonist they put obstacles in
their path your villain is the one that
they must defeat to achieve whatever is
they want to achieve however a badly
written villain can ruin your novel
of course any badly written character
can however the villain plays such a
prominent part in the story it is
important you pay particular attention
to them and ensure you don't fall into
the following traps are they is
stereotyped villainous characters have
been written into stories for centuries
therefore it is probable that you can
divide different villains into
particular types the evil genius the
psychopathic killer the vengeful lover
and so on well it might be impossible to
avoid writing a villain that doesn't fit
into one of these categories what you
must do is try to find a way to make
yours truly unique readers are always
looking for fresh and interesting
characters those that surprise them and
take them to unexpected places if your
villain is just a carbon copy of the
typical bad guy and never does anything
unexpected your reader will soon tire of
them and a boring villain is a book
killer for sure are they evil enough the
best villains shock readers with their
deceptive twisted terrifying ways does
yours when it comes to writing a great
villain make sure that they act in the
way that would class them as such if
they don't really do anything or only
ruffle at your protagonist feathers
every now and again then your story will
fall flat
villains need to create real obstacles
and wreak havoc throughout your novel if
they don't then your readers won't pay
them any attention and their lack of
action will mean that your protagonists
journey becomes less significant - are
they too evil of course there is always
the possibility that you have made your
villain to evil
now while the actions of a villain
be as despicable as you dare to imagine
readers also have to feel as though they
are believable and fitting with the
story readers need to understand the
motivations behind your villains and
villainous ways if they act for no
reason it could be hard for your readers
to connect with them or find them
authentic and that can just as easily
leave them finding it hard to enjoy your
book do your readers care at the end of
the day your readers need to care about
what happens in your story if I don't
care about what your villain is doing or
how your protagonists will defeat them
then you need to go back to the drawing
a villain needs to take center stage to
inject your book with drama and tension
and poorer and fear but also to make the
story worth telling so make sure you
make your villain count don't forget if
you're having a hard time writing or
finishing your book check out our free
writers toolkit it can help you overcome
procrastination get organized stay
focused and get your book published just
to download your free copy and if you
enjoyed this video don't forget to give
it a thumbs up turn on our notifications
and subscribe down below and be sure to
visit writers lifestyle or for more
writing tips and tricks and I'll see you
next time
Feb 27, 2018

5 Dialogue Writing Tips -


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hello its Peter here again from
writer's life and today five dialog
writing tips that every writer should
know about one of the biggest problems
fiction writers face is when trying to
write dialogue great dialog is so
important in writing it brings
characters to life it drives the plot
forward and presents exciting
information to the reader it's used to
express characters emotions to vocalize
their fears and desires and allows the
reader to understand who they are and
what they want
unfortunately writing dialogue doesn't
come naturally to most writers it's a
skill that takes time and practice to
master the problem is if we try to write
dialogue exactly how we would speak it
comes across terribly when read all the
pauses intonation and random subject
changes but we happily accept when we're
having a face-to-face conversation with
someone cannot be written verbatim in
story the good news is however the
writing great dialogue can be learned
and here are five tips to get you
started first use dialogue to bring
depth to your characters a lot can be
conveyed through your character's speech
all of us through different ways of
talking depending on what kind of mood
we're in what we are trying to say and
who we are speaking to translate this
into your writing is your character
angry sad excited happy think about the
language they would use to convey this
what kind of person are they a
straightforward straight talking person
or are they absent-minded and forgetful
are they concealing something from the
are talking to are they intelligent
stupid sarcastic or funny think about
the rhythm in which they might speak
slowly and purposefully or perhaps
quickly and out of breath do they mumble
and stop and start do they forget what
they are saying do they ramble on or are
they measured and collected when they
speak even your characters a way of
talking that is consistent throughout
will differentiate them from one another
and make them seem a more believable and
authentic to your reader use everyday
exchanges to help you find your voices
the best way to create great dialogue is
to listen listen to the everyday
conversations that happen all around you
take part in different conversations
with different people yourself and
observe how they talk and react in
certain situations sit on a bus or in a
bar and take notes of the conversations
you hear you'll be surprised at how many
different types there are taking notes
and writing down anything that strikes
you as unusual or interesting is great
for using in your writing to enhance
your characters and influence your story
next avoid overuse of adverbs the best
writers of dialogue convey the emotions
and the characters within it if you find
yourself ending each speech with an
adverb he said angrily
she sighed sadly he joked excitedly then
look back to what you have written and
see if there's another way to convey
this within the dialogue itself if you
have written the dialogue well then
trust that your reader will pick up on
it on what you have tried to get across
rather than spelling it out
for them littering your prose with
adverbs makes for uncomfortable reading
- it can be very distracting and you run
the risk of losing the attention of your
reader if you want to be sure readers
understand the emotion of the scene why
not use an action instead for example
she dug her nails into the palms of her
hands as she spoke this is far more
powerful and will keep the reader
interested as well as giving them an
image to work with rather than pointing
out to them exactly how the character
feels next the dreaded actions everyone
has some sort of accents and if your
characters are from a particular part of
the world you may wish to get that
across in their dialect this is fine and
in fact can be a fantastic way to enrich
your characters and make them appeal to
the reader however if you overdo it it
can completely destroy your dialogue
readers don't want to have to struggle
to understand the character with an
accent so thick you would have to keep
asking them to repeat themselves if you
were having a face-to-face conversation
use an accent sparingly you could still
get it across without making your prose
confused and silly keep it short and
small talk is not necessary use dialogue
to create drama and to advance the story
we don't need to hear everything a
character might say to another ie all
the normal pleasantries
you might hear in an everyday
conversation your dialogue should be
interesting and full of energy
keep a dialogue where possible - a
couple of sentences at a time any more
than this and you
the risk of using the dialogue to convey
information that a person would never
believably say in an authentic
conversation remember the most important
thing is that your reader believes this
is a conversation that characters could
have if they have to work hard to
believe it it will become tedious to
read remember the best way to create
strong dialogue is to practice it
writers have to be disciplined creatures
and setting some time your writing
schedule to practice writing dialogue or
amending and improving dialogue you've
already written is by far the best way
to achieve this read your dialogue out
loud and if it doesn't sound right then
rewrite it again and again until it does
if you're struggling to write or finish
your book remember our free writers
toolkit can help you with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
get organized stay focused
find time to write and finally get your
book published to get access to it now
while it's still available simply go to
and that's it for now be sure to
like this video and subscribe to our
channel for more and I'll see you next
Feb 26, 2018
Why You Need to Create a Vision Board -
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Hello it's Peter here again from 
writer's life and today why you need to
create a vision board it's one thing to
picture your goal but it's another thing
to see your goals in front of you when
you are trying to attain a life greater
than the one you're living now you need
to create a vision board but what is a
vision board well it's a collection of
photos posted on a poster board what
type of photos you may ask well these
can be your ideal house car the person
you wish to date your body basically
anything you want to see change in your
life you can get these photos from
magazines or online the key to a vision
is you want to place it somewhere where
you will see it every day by seeing your
goals and what you want to achieve each
day you're more apt to attain your goals
I like to place my board at the end of
my bed so when I wake up it's the first
thing I see in the morning it's easy to
write goals but how many times have you
written your goals and never been able
to accomplish them by seeing your vision
board each day you're more likely to put
in the work that will help you to
achieve your goals I've never been as
fired up emotionally than when I created
my vision board when you put what you
want to accomplish on your board it will
help ignite a fire inside of you when
you set to create your vision make sure
you set an adequate amount of free time
for yours
this isn't something you want to rush by
taking the proper time you're insuring
yourself that you're creating an ideal
vision board as time goes on you'll need
to adjust your vision and your board you
should want to be adjusting your board
because that means you're achieving the
goals that you set for yourself with
your vision board and when you're
viewing the images and affirmations
placed on the board feel as though
you're already in the future feel as
though you've already achieved those
things by creating a vision board you
will accomplish your goals
now don't forget if you're struggling to
write or vinous your book our free
writers toolkit can help with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
get organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
that's it for now be sure
to like this video and subscribe to our
channel for more and I'll see you next
Feb 26, 2018

How to Make Each Writing Day Count -


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Hi I'm Jody from Writer's life at work
and today we'll be talking about how to
make each writing day count when it comes
to writing we all want to be more
productive and feel great about what we
are doing at the same time often when we
set aside time for writing we go find it
hard to make it counts it might only be
a few hours or it might be a whole day
but trying to make your writing time
well-spent is so essential it's good to
remember that writing is something we
choose to do and because of that is
something we should feel good about so
whatever kind of writing project you're
working on it's a good idea to use your
time set aside for writing wisely but
how can we do this
try these helpful tips be creative so
many people want to write and aren't
able to this could be because they're
just too scared to try and because they
feel they have no time or because they
just don't know where to start the fact
that you're writing and have gotten this
far is something to be celebrated take
some time at the start of each writing
session to think about this to feel
positive about your writing and
appreciate how good it is to be able to
do it be expressive writing is such a
wonderful opportunity to express himself
and to be as creative and imaginative as
possible use your writing time to
capture your thoughts and feelings to
explore them and turn them into
compelling stories try not to censor
yourself or hold yourself back and
you'll find the process so much more
cathartic and rewarding to notice the
beauty of things one of the most
satisfying things about being a writer
is having the ability to capture how
beautiful things are next time you start
a writing session make some time to take
a walk sit in your garden or just notice
the everyday things in your home which
you might take for granted use memories
to conjure stirring images of the things
you've seen and places you've been to
find expressive language and brilliant
metaphors to translate these images onto
the page learn something new make sure
that you use some of your running time
to learn new things when it comes to
writing there's so much we can learn so
many lessons we can take away and so
many ways we can improve help yourself
by opening yourself up to different
by exploring and experimenting with your
writing and allowing yourself to be
educated to spread the love helping your
fellow writers will make you feel part
of a unique community the more you
encourage other writers by joining
conversations offering critiques or
buying rating and reviewing their books
the more you'll feel a part of this and
the more you'll get out of it to write
what excites motivates or inspires you
make sure whatever you are writing it is
something that you are passionate about
search within for what drives you what
makes your eyes brighten and your pulse
quicken your writing to the exciting
after all if you don't find itself how
will anyone else keep doing what you
love by doing what we love we are making
ourselves happy writing should be a
joyful thing in your life so just
remember that each time you write you
are doing what you love to do what you
are passionate about and that is a great
thing if you're having a hard time
reading or finishing your book check out
our free writers toolkit they can help
you overcome procrastination get
organized stay focused and get your book
just head to
to download your free copy if
you enjoyed this video don't forget to
give it a thumbs up turn on our
notifications and subscribe down below
and be sure to visit writer cyborg and
we're running tips and tricks and I'll
see you next time
Feb 25, 2018
Common Mistakes that will Annoy Your Readers -
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hello it's Peter here again from
writers life and today common mistakes
that will annoy it your readers when it
comes to writing books we're all going
to make mistakes even the most
experienced and successful authors do
even after redrafting and editing it's
almost impossible to write an utterly
flawless book and that's ok because your
readers don't need your book to be
perfect they just want to enjoy it your
story however there are some easily made
mistakes that your readers might be less
forgiving of and it's important to
highlight and rectify these before you
go on to publish your novel not doing so
could lead to them to feel frustrated
annoyed and eventually put them off read
in your book all together so what are
some common mistakes that might annoy
your readers let's take a look first
using character names these are too
complicated or similar to one another
calling your characters something that
is impossible to pronounce is a definite
no-no readers don't want to have to
struggle over what you have called your
character having to reread the character
name each stomach drops up will jerk
them out of the story and quickly become
irritating having characters whose names
are too similar unless for a specific
purpose could also confuse and muddle
your reader and they might mix a one for
the other
next being overly descriptive writing
beautiful carefully thought-out
descriptions is one thing but if you
only focus on this and not only pacing
the plot the character development and
so on your story will seem dull and slow
no matter how good you are at setting
the scene
make sure your readers care about the
people in your story and what's
happening to them without this you're on
a path to nowhere next be too clever
clever original writing can be brilliant
but if you focus on this too much it's
likely that other parts of your book
will suffer while experimenting is good
if you try to be too unusual this will
distract from your story and will likely
confuse your reader jumping back and
forth between different timelines too
many different charts and perspectives
using too much punctuation and so on can
all have a negative effect next taking
too long to get stuck in you might think
it is really important to painstakingly
introduce every character in your novel
but if you don't get them to act soon
your story will feel very stagnant
readers want action they want a decent
pace they want to know what happens
don't drag your story out for as long as
possible rather tell it in the most
exciting and exhilarating way you can
next not trusting your reader over
explanation showing not telling or the
author's voice coming through the text
will all destroy your story trust that
your reader will get what you are trying
to say or the picture you are trying to
they don't need everything spelt out for
them and doing so will really get on
their nerves these common mistakes are
ones most writers are guilty of at some
point or another however as long as you
capture these errors and figure out how
to rectify them before you present your
book to your readers then you have
nothing to worry about
Sam you are editing your book keep a
lookout for these and when you spot them
tackle them right away now don't forget
if you're struggling to write or finish
your book our free writers toolkit can
help with it you'll learn how to
overcome procrastination yes organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
 that's it for now
be sure to like this video and subscribe
to our channel for more and I'll see you
next time
Feb 24, 2018
What You Can Learn from Other Writers -
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Feb 23, 2018
How to Stay Positive After a Rejection -
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hello there is Peter here again from 
writer's life and today how to stay
positive after a rejection being
rejected is not a great feeling any
writer who has suffered a rejection will
attest to this there's nothing quite as
disheartening as pouring all your energy
of passion into something only to be
told it isn't good enough worse than
this is the way writers are often
rejected you don't get any feedback
often in fact rejection comes as a form
of ghosting where you know if you have
been ignored for a long enough amount of
time you've been rejected you don't even
get the decency of someone telling you
they received and read your story after
months even years of work that is going
to sting a little while rejection isn't
something that writers alone experience
it is fairly unique to be rejected it's
such a brutal and frankly kind of rude
manner however we just accept this as
part of the job in any other
circumstances we might say something
perhaps writer rather short email
explaining why it would have been nice
for the editor to at least acknowledge
that we have contacted them but we don't
because it's just the way things are and
that's got to do something not so great
for our self-esteem after a rejection
the writer has to simply go back to the
drawing board with no real information
on what they've done wrong only that
what they have done simply isn't good
what's worse still is that as they go on
to spend even more time changing it it
might not make the slightest bit of
how will the writer know that the next
editor they send their manuscript to
wouldn't have actually much preferred
the original initially it does come down
to one person's
opinion after all however we must accept
that things are unlikely to change
anytime soon this being the case it's
better to focus on how to stay positive
after a rejection rather than dwell on
for too long so what are the things you
can do let's take a look first keep
things in perspective a rejection
doesn't have to be devastating and it
certainly doesn't mean that you should
give up on your writing dreams there are
plenty of other opportunities for you to
succeed and the sooner you focus on them
and move on the better next create your
own opportunities it's all too easy to
sit and wait and hope that success will
come to you but in reality you have to
fight for it with all your minds do
everything you can to make yourself
successful be creative and imaginative
in your ideas and don't stop until you
get what you want
next don't take it personally remember a
rejection of your writing is nothing
personal in fact it might be that an
editor enjoyed your piece but it simply
wasn't what they were looking for at the
time it's hard not to want to retreat
and lick your wounds after receiving a
rejection but that's not going to help
next reflect and learn while there are a
myriad of reasons your work might be
being rejected if it happens time and
time again it's a good idea to take some
time out to reflect and try to figure
out where you might be going wrong your
mind gained some valuable insights into
what you need to do to improve your work
and then have better look next time
next rejection is never easy
rejection is never easy to take
especially for writers who are so
invested in what their
trying to achieve however a positive
attitude and the ability to just your
self off and pick yourself back up after
a rejection will mean that you'll keep
persevering and let nothing stand in the
way of attaining your goals
now don't forget if you're struggling to
write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can help with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
get organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access to it now while it's still
available simply go to
now be sure to like this video and
subscribe to our channel for more and
I'll see you next time
Feb 21, 2018

Can Your Readers Love Your Villain? -


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Hi I'm Jody from writer's life at work
and today we'll be talking about whether
or notyour readers can love your
villain when we think of a villain we
think of a character that we should
dislike that gets in the way of the
protagonists who we love and potentially
harms or destroys their chances of
reaching their goal however villainous
characters can be the most effective
dramatic and fun to write and there's no
reason why readers can't adore your
baddies just as much as they do your
heroes however grotesque and horrible
your villain is we still must connect to
them and want to read more about them on
some level even if they do make our skin
crawl your villain should be someone
we'd love to hate
at best someone we have a complex
relationship with and are utterly
fascinated by what can you do to make
your readers love your villain here are
some things to try give them layers and
history a villain with a surprising
backstory it makes for an exciting read
your reader will want to try to get
inside the villains head and to
understand why they act the way they do
make your villain a complex and layered
character they could be a terrifying
serial killer but one that completely
adores animals and would never hurt them
they could be viciously angry but are so
because of the way they have been
treated in the past you don't have to
make us sympathize with your villains
but giving them multiple layers will
make them more complex and interesting
to read avoid cliches when writing a
villainous character it is also easy to
fall into the trap of making them very
cliched try to be unique and brave when
writing your villain their motivations
might stem from similar storylines as
ones we have heard before
the jealous lover the power-hungry
co-worker the evil stepmother but make
sure that your villain has traits that
are unique to them and this will keep
your reader interested give them
characteristics we secretly would like
to have whether it's the ability to say
it like it is having no fear being
frivolous or having a superpower giving
your villain characteristics and
personality traits that your readers
covet and
is another excellent way to get them to
warm to your villain and want to know
more about them give them reasons and
motivations just as your protagonist
needs a reason for wanting what they
want and setting out on a journey to get
it your villain must have reasons for
wanting to stop them make sure you don't
just make a character terrible for the
sake of it
ensuring that your readers understand
their reasons will endear them to your
villain even more make them totally
insane on the other hand you can make
your villain entirely insane there is
something rather wonderful and freeing
about writing a character who has just
lost the plot some of the very best
villains are written this way and are
utterly fascinating and readable because
of it there are unpredictability their
irrationality their lack of care for
others or what's going on in the world
around them makes them so fascinating to
most people who live their lives playing
by the rules so can your readers love
your villain of course they can in fact
writing a villain with whom your readers
have a complex relationship with will
make them even more fueling and sure
your book leaves a lasting impression so
if you want to write a villainous
character that makes an impact follow
these tips and write one that your
readers will love if you're having a
hard time writing or finishing your book
check out our free writers toolkit it
can help you overcome procrastination
get organized stay focused and get your
book published just head over to
free copy if you enjoyed this video
don't forget to give it a thumbs up turn
on our notifications and subscribe down
below be sure to visit writers
for more running tips and tricks and
I'll see you next time
Feb 21, 2018

Setting Realistic Writing Deadlines -



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Hello its Peter here again from
writer's life and today setting
realistic writing deadlines creating
deadlines for yourself is one of the
most important and productive things you
can do as a writer without them it's all
too easy to keep putting your writing
tasks on the back burner and never
getting anything done without deadlines
our goals and aspirations can fade away
and the more we leave our writing tasks
for another day the further away and
more unachievable those dreams become on
the other hand setting writing deadlines
that are unrealistic and unachievable
can also damage your writing career if
you continuously miss those deadlines no
matter how hard you try you'll
inevitably feel like you're a failure
and will undoubtedly begin to beat
yourself up about it which will damage
your confidence and potentially slow
your writing productivity down even more
so what can you do to set realistic
deadlines that push yourself but not too
first do the math start from your end
goal and work backwards to see if it
makes sense if you want to have written
your book by the end of the year then
think about everything you need to do to
achieve that working out the time you
have and figure out whether this is
realistic or not if it isn't don't feel
bad about shifting the goalposts back a
little it's also a good idea it's a
factor in some time for things to go a
little off track but don't give yourself
so much time that it's easy to
procrastinate and do nothing for months
on end you need to make sure you are
challenging yours
- next get into the rights frame of mind
when it comes to sitting down to write
you'll know what makes you at your most
focused creative and productive if you
set aside all your writing time for 5:00
a.m. when you know you hate getting up
you'll probably quickly find it's pretty
tough to live up to your expectations
make sure that you've set time to write
when you know there will be few
distractions and you'll feel motivated
and excited to do it
and next understand what you are capable
of be realistic about what you can
expect from yourself if you aren't
you're just setting yourself up for a
fall you don't have to be the most
prolific and dedicated writer in the
world you just need to figure out what
works for you ask yourself where you
want to be when you want to get there
and what you are truly capable of and
then create your deadlines around that
next use a timer using a timer can be a
really helpful way of making sure you
stick to your planned writing sessions
if you say you are going to write for an
hour three times a week each time you
sit down to set a timer for that amount
of time make sure you don't go over or
under your time doing more can be
damaging as you then don't have time for
other tasks which could leave you
feeling stressed out and resenting your
writing which you will put you off doing
it again and next take
rakes make sure you take regular breaks
away from your writing if you get too
immersed in it you may end up burning
yourself out it's always good to finish
a writing session on a high and start
each new one feeling refreshed and ready
to work next be strict with yourself
once you've set yourself a goal and
deadlines it's time to stop making
excuses it's all too easy to start
negotiating with yourself but this won't
get you anywhere and you end up feeling
really guilty and disappointed with
yourself so once the deadline has been
set do everything in your power to stick
with it
reward yourself rewarding yourself for
achieving your goals within your
allotted time frame can be a great
incentive to want with some small and
large rewards to entice you to keep on
going and next be okay with
imperfections remember you are going to
have a great writing session every time
you write nor are you going to be happy
with what you've written all the time
don't dwell on imperfections and don't
let your own self doubts or negativity
stop you from reaching a deadline
setting realistic writing deadlines is
crucial to keep you motivated moving
forward and feeling satisfied with your
writing so next time you starts writing
projects use these tips to help create
your goals and timetable and you'll give
yourself the best chance of staying on
track now don't forget if you struggling
to write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can help with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
get organized stay focused find time to
write and finally get your book
published to get access now while it's
still available simply go to
that's it for now
be sure to like this video and subscribe
to our channel for more and I'll see you
next time







Feb 21, 2018

Too Afraid to Write Take Action Now! -

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Hello Peter here again from 
writer's life and today too scared to
write take action now. It may be that you
have never written anything it may be
that you used to write years ago and are
deliberating about whether to try again
it may be that you wrote something last
week but now for some reason feel as
though you can't write anymore facing
your fears about writing is something
that all writers must do at some point
we all have moments of doubt of feeling
we aren't good enough or perhaps moments
of fear that we will be laughed at or
rejected or simply that we'll keep
writing for years and never achieve our
goals there is no doubt that writing can
be a scary business and there are no
guarantees for any of us but if writing
is your passion and your dream letting
fear stand in your way
is something that just won't do so how
can you take action to conquer your
writing fears let's take a look at some
tried and tested techniques first fear
of failure fear of failure is a very
common writers fear it's not surprising
as failure for a writer can take many
forms whether it's receiving a rejection
letter or feeling you failed yourself
because your work isn't progressing as
you'd like the worry that you'll fail
can stop some writers in their tracks
try to remember that being creative is
about taking risks it's scary and messy
and chaotic it sometimes flows and
bursts with energy and sometimes stops
and hides away accepting that writing is
a process of discovery and then it won't
always be steady and
constants can help writers to let go of
this fear remember the more you practice
your writing the better at it you'll
become and the better you become the
more confident you'll feel just break
the cycle of fear and keep pushing
through and as long as you keep going
you can't fail next fear a feeling of
like a fraud even if you are an
incredibly successful writer you may
still have that weird sense of impostor
syndrome that you aren't really supposed
to be successful and that it's all a
massive mistake and that one day now
you'll get found out except that if you
are writing that makes you a writer no
matter if you've never had anything
published or you've written a
you don't have to prove yourself to
anyone you don't need to make anyone
like your writing many writers are so
scared of not getting the approval they
crave that they stop writing altogether
if they don't write no one can dislike
their writing if they don't write they
never have to be pushed outside of their
comfort zone it's okay to believe in
yourself and to be proud of everything
that you have achieved remember that you
don't have to show your work to anyone
until you are ready and when you feel
ready you feel as though you have put
the work in and therefore if you do get
recognition accept it because you
deserve it
next fear of running out of ideas many
writers share the common fear that one
day they just won't have anything left
to say this can be particularly true if
you've already written something that
has done quite well how will you ever
top it how will you ever find anything
and real worthy to write again the truth
is that writers rarely run out of ideas
if they don't want to there are so many
different ways to gather inspiration and
you never know when a great idea for
your next story might strike so accept
that this fear is irrational and there
will always be things you can do to get
those creative juices flowing once more
a next fear of having no control when we
write our stories before we share them
with anyone they are completely our own
and we are in total control the idea
that we then have to part with them send
them off without any way of being able
to control the outcome or even the
timeline can be particularly challenging
for writers suddenly this project you
have put all your self into it's no
longer your own this can feel very
daunting indeed try to accept those
things you cannot change
once you have put your work out there
you have to allow for the fact that it
is no longer entirely yours all pieces
of writing are collaborations between
you the author your editor your
publisher and most importantly your
reader you cannot have complete control
but that's okay no true artist is
entirely in control of their work
because it is subjective to those who
receive it you can't control how people
will react to your stories but that's
what's so magical about them as no two
readers will take away the same from it
how cool is that writing can be daunting
but it also has so many positives so if
you're feeling too scared to write try
to take a deep breath take the plunge
and don't let fear get in
way of anything you want to do now don't
forget if you're struggling to write or
finish your book our free writers
toolkit can help with it you'll learn
how to overcome procrastination get
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
simply go to that's it for now
be sure to like this video and subscribe
to our channel for more and I'll see you
next time
Feb 21, 2018

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Feb 20, 2018
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Feb 19, 2018

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Feb 18, 2018

How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up -


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 Hello its Peter here again from writer's
life and today how to keep going when
you feel like giving up when you feel
like giving up I want you to remember
who was watching think of all those
people who doubted you sometimes you
need more motivation than what you have
inside of yourself that's motivation
comes from recognizing everyone in your
life there are certain events or people
who have shaped your thinking and
beliefs maybe you wanted to start a
business and someone told you it was a
stupid idea
and do you believe them and for what
never let someone who's done nothing
tell you how to do anything just because
someone told you that you can't do
something doesn't mean you can't
accomplish it instead of letting their
negativity affect you use it as
motivation I don't care who you are
that's being son who has doubted you on
your journey how great it would feel to
prove them wrong
besides trying to prove people wrong
think of your kids your wife and even
your future grandkids would they be
happy with the life you're living all it
takes is one decision for yourself that
can impact future generations when
everything seems to go against you think
of those who love you because if you
give up you're letting them down and I
don't think you want to let them down
people don't expect you to become
successful they've been taught their
entire life to be average if you feel
like giving up they'll tell you it's
okay and tries to bring you back down to
mediocrity don't give in to them
understand you're better than that
if you continue to put in the work
repeatedly until you succeed you will
not have any regrets at the end of the
day the one thing I can guarantee you is
if you give up you'll always live with
regrets when you feel like giving up
remember those who doubted those who
loved you and that you only have one
life now don't forget if you're
struggling to write or finish your book
our free writers toolkit can help with
it you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination get organized stay
find time to write and finally get your
book published to get access now while
it's still available simply go to
that's it for now be sure to like this
video and subscribe to our channel for
more I'll see you next time
Feb 17, 2018

How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head -


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Hi it's Peter here again from a writer's
life and today how to get inside your
readers head one of the most helpful
things you can do as a writer is to
identify who your reader is no matter
what you're writing about figuring out
exactly who will want to read your work
and what their reaction will be - it is
so important right from when you start
to create your work through to pitching
and marketing it to help you create a
piece of writing that will appeal to
your reader you need to be able to get
inside their head the more thorough and
understanding you have of who they are
and what they want the more easily you
will be able to mold and shape your
writing so it will appeal to them of
course this might be easier said than
however by making an effort to get to
know your reader and to truly understand
them you'll be able to appeal to them
more through your writing to influence
them and to turn them into loyal fans so
what are the things you can do to try
and get inside your readers head let's
take a look first do your research
start off by doing some simple research
think about the genre your writing
falls into and the kind of person that
might be interested in that type of book
you could even go into book shops and
look at the different people browsing in
that section or join fan clubs and get
to know the kind of conversations they
might have next get feedback all along
the way make sure you don't wait until
you've already finished your book or
piece of writing to get that feedback
ask your readers questions and get
feedback throughout the writing process
this will make it so much easier when
you go back and big
to edit and reshape your book next look
at what other writers are doing one of
the most helpful things you can do is
follow your fellow writers and look at
the different techniques they are using
to engage readers and pique their
interest look at successful writers in
genres similar to yours how does your
writing compare what do their book
covers look like what does the blurb on
the back say check out their social
media accounts their author profiles
their websites find all the information
you can and see what reoccurring themes
on there that you could apply it to your
writing and marketing plans use actual
data there are plenty of programs out
there which can give you a real insight
into your readers your potential readers
and their behavior even just looking at
your engagement on social media and try
to get a picture of the types of people
that are interested in what you're
saying can help you to build up a
picture of who your ideal reader might
be create a persona once you've gathered
together as much information as possible
use this to create an ideal reader
persona write down as much as you can
about them and stick up the details
leads away you're right
you can then always refer to this and
always keep them in mind when you're
writing if you're stuck then you can use
them to help you simply ask yourself
what your reader would want to happen
and if you know them well enough you
should have your answer getting inside
your readers head can make a difference
when it comes to the popularity and
success of your book so it's well worth
trying to get to know your reader and
use this knowledge to help shape your
now don't forget if you're struggling to
write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can
with it you'll learn how to overcome
procrastination yet organized stay
focused find time to write and finally
get your book published to get access
now while it's still available simply go
that's it for now be sure to
like this video and subscribe to our
channel for more and I'll see you next
Feb 16, 2018
How to Stay Motivated During Winter -
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Hi I'm Jody from and
today we'll be talking about how to stay
motivated during the winter during the
winter and especially with the latest
storm it can be difficult to stay
motivated most of us want to grab a cup
of tea and wrap ourselves in a blanket
but there is work that needs to be done
and here are some tips to help you stay
motivated during the winter watch a
motivational video each morning when you
wake up watch a motivational video
yes motivational videos aren't a cure
for staying motivated but they can help
you get started the goal of watching a
motivational video is that you create
motivation inside of yourself when
you're motivated from within you can
accomplish amazing things review your
life plan you should do a review of your
life plan your life plan is what you
wish to accomplish during your lifetime
if you don't have a life plan then you
need to create one without one
you'll be meandering around in life and
end up at a destination in which you
will not be happy about if you haven't
yet written your life plan start by
asking yourself what makes me the
happiest and something I can make money
from remember the best in every
profession gets paid exercise first
thing in the morning
exercising first thing in the morning
could be going for a walk
a run or hitting the gym there is no
better feeling than working out and then
starting your day you've got a sense of
euphoria that'll last your entire day
wake up early with exercise waking up
early will give you the needed
motivation there's just something about
waking up before everyone else that
gives you an added edge and I'm not
saying you need to get up at 4 a.m. but
you shouldn't get up any later than 7:00
a.m. when you get up early for a
consistent period you will notice
beneficial changes in your life make
your bed it may seem like a small task
but making your bed in the morning right
before you wake up will also help
motivate you why because you've
accomplished a task already and that
momentum will carry throughout the day
don't believe me check out the book make
your bed
staying motivated during the winter it
doesn't have to be hard if you follow
if you're having a hard time writing or
finishing your book check out our free
writers toolkit it can help you overcome
across the nation
get organized stay focused and get your
book published just had two
to download
your FREE copy if you enjoyed this video
don't forget to give it a thumbs up turn
on our notifications and subscribe down
below to be entered to win one of our
products and our weekly giveaway be sure
to visit writers like org for more
writing tips and tricks and I'll see you
next time
Feb 15, 2018

How to Be a Great Travel Writer -


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Hello its Peter here again from writers
life and today how to be a great travel
writer travel writing is one of the most
competitive and popular topics to write
about let's face it dreams of jetting
around the world to stage stunning
hotels wandering around beautiful
beaches the triangle local delicacies is
pretty appealing right and if you can
get to the top of your game someone will
actually pay you to do all of that just
for writing about it
it certainly doesn't sound like a bad
career choice if you ask me however
breaking into travel writing can be
tricky and if you're hoping to give it a
go there are several things that you
need to know before you sit down and put
pen to paper first know your area now
that is not to say you have to be a
seasoned traveler to become a travel
writer obviously it helps if you've been
to the places you're writing about but
if you're just setting out with limited
time and money this may be difficult if
you can't jet off an explorer just yet
then make sure you do some Sora research
before you start read a lot about the
area before you start to make sure
you're fully clued up on the cuisine
culture and things to see and do
watching videos is another great way to
immerse yourself in a place and really
understand the atmosphere out there when
it comes to writing your article you
need to understand and follow the same
basic structure every time there are the
typical questions that every reader will
want to know when reading a travel
article where when who why how on what
are all the basic
that should form the basis of the
article this is true of many feature
articles and news stories you need to
give the reader this information to
engage them and keep them reading get a
good brief travel articles come in all
shapes and sizes some editors are
looking for factual non flowery pieces
that simply describe things in a
matter-of-fact way packing the content
with useful factually accurate
information and nothing more others
however are looking for a piece full of
anecdotes and rich descriptive language
which tells a story and helps the reader
to truly imagine what it would be like
to be there perhaps persuading them that
they need to book that ticket right away
getting a solid brief from an editor
means that you know what kind your
articles should be and write it up
accordingly next knowledge and passion
knowledge and passion are usually
desirable and should come across in your
writing the vast majority of travel
articles are written in order to
persuade the reader to make them
interested in that particular place and
ignite a desire in them to visit it
themselves even if you have been asked
to write a more factual piece there's
still room for this to come across as
with all articles your lead must be
succinct and attention rubbing and you
must immediately make it clear where you
are talking about the when is where you
can bring in details about the season
the who is the writers perspective and
an opportunity to connect with the
reader the why explains the reason the
writer is in that particular destination
the how is the storyline and what are
the details the facts the stories of
people end your article on a high end
your article on a high summarizing what
the article is about in an interesting
way and if required and sure you have a
strong and clear call-to-action so your
readers know exactly what they need to
do next travel writing is a fantastic
industry to write for and can lead to
some truly wonderful life-changing
experiences so if you're hoping to
become a travel writer follow these tips
and see where it takes you now don't
forget if he's struggling to write or
finish your book our free writers
toolkit can help with it you'll learn
how to overcome procrastination get
stay focused find the time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
simply go to
that's it for now be sure
to like this video and subscribe to our
channel for more and I'll see you next
Feb 14, 2018
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Feb 13, 2018

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Feb 11, 2018
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Feb 10, 2018
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Feb 9, 2018
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Feb 6, 2018
How to Come Up With New Ideas for Articles -
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Hello there it's Peter here again from
Writer's Life and today how to come up
with new ideas for articles when you're
a freelance writer coming up with new
exciting and unusual topics for articles
and blog posts can be tricky
particularly if you're writing the same
type of content each week keeping your
article ideas fresh and interesting is
so important and if you are pitching
your ideas to magazines and other
publications you need to stand out from
the crowd and generate strong ideas or
examine subjects from perspectives that
haven't been seen or thought of before
so how do you come up with fresh ideas
that editors will just love here are
some handy tips to help you first get
out there good stories rarely simply
fall into your lap you have to hunt for
them just like everyone else keep your
ear to the ground talk to people be
interested in things you never know
where a great story might present itself
or what might inspire you so make sure
you are ever looking and ever alert next
getting down write down any ideas of
notes as and when they come to you you
don't have to turn every single one into
a story and some of them might turn out
to be duds but write everything down no
matter how strange or silly or
it might seem revisiting it later
you might suddenly have a Eureka moment
and find yourself writing the most
exciting story of your life and next get
to know your readers once you've
established which markets you are most
interested in make sure that you do your
research I know the kind of readers you
are trying to engage
if you're serious about your work you'll
want to become familiar with your target
audience read what they read enjoy what
they enjoy question what they would
question and come to understand what
they want to read about next and next
become an expert if you can become an
expert and all authority on a particular
subject you will uncover more and more
about a subject that will give you new
ideas for writing you'll also become the
person that people turn to for knowledge
and insight if you have a passion
followers learn everything you can about
it and then write insightful and useful
content about that you know other people
with an interest in the subject will
want to know more about be opinionated
if you have strong opinions about
something then let them be heard
particularly if you think that your way
of looking at something goes against the
grain people want to be challenged to
hear different sides of the story and if
you can write intelligently
and intellectually while putting your
opinion across you may very well see it
in print
next read read everything you can get
your hands on beat industry blogs
websites or niche magazines of
go to talks and lectures listen to
podcasts broaden your horizons and
expand your knowledge in every way you
can the more interesting and diverse
your interests are the more ideas you're
likely to come up with next use special
what holidays or anniversaries are
coming up relevant timely coverage of
events taking place are always going to
be welcomed by edit
the game tried to pitch your idea so you
are demonstrating how your story will be
rather than rehashing the same old news
check out the archives stories from the
past can be fun testing and helping us
write new ones looking at the archives
of forgotten stories from yesteryear can
help inspire you to think of all the
different types that are out there you
could even rewrite them or follow up on
them in a new and exciting way and our
final team and look inside yourself
everybody has stories to tell think
about the things that you have achieved
your hopes dreams and fears use your own
life to come up with great stories and
then share them with the world
keeping your ideas coming and you're
writing fresh is challenging for any
writer these tips should help you to
start thinking more broadly about where
to find inspiration and providing you
have a passion for what you do and a
commitment to keep on writing
those ideas will just keep on coming now
don't forget if you're struggling to
write or finish your book our free
writers toolkit can help with it you'll
learn how to overcome procrastination
get organized
stay focused find time to write and
finally get your book published to get
access now while it's still available
that's it for now be sure
to like this video and subscribe to our
channel for more and I'll see you next